Which should have been done long ago.
The old website lasted for 11 years. It was built on Dreamweaver which was great while I had it. Leaving college I lost access and started managing it by hand. It wasn’t bad since I didn’t do changes too often, but a lot was changing in the background. I was adding more features in the background that were too annoying to add to the main page because every webpage was an individual file. To keep the header/menu and sidebar seamless looking, I had to edit each file. I dreaded updating it, and that meant I didn’t. So it’s time for a new one. Here’s what the homepage looked like so you can know how weird it was.

Obviously the last time I updated it was when I was doing lots of ham radio stuff. To be fair, under the QSO Log there is more “normal” homepage items. The menu tabs I should have removed, they were abandoned long ago. Hopefully using WordPress it provides a more seamless user experience and better experience for me maintaining it.